Abstract:The spirit of the model worker,the spirit of labour and the spirit of craftsmanship (hereinafter referred to as the "three spirits") are rich in connotations,and each of the three has its own characteristics,which can be analysed from the unique perspective of the pursuit of the three values of truth,goodness and beauty in the world of the human spirit.Since the main body of the three spirits are all workers,the pursuit of the values of truth,goodness and beauty can be specifically summed up as "the pursuit of truth and excellence in labour skills (exquisite technology)" ,"the pursuit of the highest good in labour morality (moral excellence)" ,and"the way of realising the aesthetics of labour (perfect mental state)".From this point of view,the dialectical relationship between the three spirits can be briefly summarized as follows:from the perspective of their respective connotations and characteristics,the three spirits have the values of exquisite technology,moral excellence,and perfect mental state,but with different emphasis and specific performance,in which exquisite technology in the connotations of the three spirits are in the position of the foundation and prerequisites,and the spirit of the model worker and the spirit of the craftsman are based on the spirit of labour,and more emphasis on "hard work" and "skillful work". moral excellence and perfect mental state in the three spirit of the connotation of the specific performance of the greater difference,the former are "willing to dedicate","honest labour" and "strive for excellence",while the latter is "innovation","love of labour" and "pursuit of excellence". Therefore,within the perspective of the pursuit of perfect mental state values,the three spirits follow the progression from the "love of labour" of the labour spirit to the "innovation" of the model spirit,and then to the "pursuit of excellence" of the craftsmanship spirit;In the perspective of the pursuit of moral excellence,the three spirits follow the "honest labour" of the labour spirit to the "excellence" of the craftsman spirit to the "willingness to dedicate" of the model worker spirit.